The Rest House is my blog and monthly newsletter, a sanctuary inspired by the serendipitous and metaphorical rest stops I've found on life's journey.

Just like The Continuum Process, I create what I need, and a calming refuge is essential for my overactive mind. Life gets busy, brains get overloaded, and perfectionism creeps in, so here's a space to find calm amid the chaos.

Alice x



Alice Bassett Alice Bassett

Crossing Thresholds into New Beginnings.

Learning to trust sourselves to cross thresholds of change, is the gift from reaching new beginnings. This article has some helpful questions and perspectives for you to navigate crossing thresholds between endings and beginnings.

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Alice Bassett Alice Bassett

The place of LOVE.

Remembering, and basking in the power of love. I share a poem I wrote days before meeting Ingo, and 3 simple things you can do to cultivate love in your life.

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Alice Bassett Alice Bassett

Blind Faith.

Arriving at a destination you can’t see. This is how I feel after five years of journeying. I write about it in this post.

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Alice Bassett Alice Bassett

Offloading. Over-Sharing.

As we get older, the stakes get higher. Learning who and when to share, or offload with, starts to change as our needs and chapters change. Read about how to support yourself here.

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