Blind Faith.

Five years ago, I started taking bolder risks in my life.

At the time, it was a pull I can’t explain. All I knew is that my life no longer fit me, and that I wanted to make a significant change. My story is scattered throughout the previous blog posts and my About Me page.

I can see now, that I was setting wheels in motion for the most illuminating, and challenging, five years of my adult life, to somehow arrive at a destination I couldn’t see.

Blind faith is like a strong current that way. It pulls….

And burning desire is a powerful companion to blind faith.

Together, they can move mountains, clear pathways and overcome relentless fears.

I write this because I am proud. I can’t believe it’s been five years. I am now my own biggest inspiration. When I need strength to continue to make brave and courageous choices, I spin my memory wheel and allow images from the last 5 years to roll through my consciousness.

Experiencing a particularly long ‘contemplation of change’ stage, before making the decision to leave my corporate job and life in Melbourne to take a year-off and travel. On the other side of that decision was love and the deepest experiences of awe and inspiration I have ever had.

Walking the Camino de Santiago alone and being completely open to what it had to offer me. On the other side of that was some of the most transformative moments of my life, and where I fell in love with myself, with my life, and with my German love.

Deciding to leave my Germany love-bubble in 2018 and continue with my travels, not knowing when we would see each other again. Being apart for 12 months during Covid. On the other side of all that, formed a trust between us that remains one of the favourite parts of my relationship with Ingo.

Returning to Melbourne and back into the corporate world. This will remain one of the hardest transitions. I was different. My year off had changed me.

And then Covid and a global pandemic hit. I was safe, in my own country, and fortuitously employed and able to work from home. It became another opportunity for the contemplation of change that I was incredibly grateful for.

On the other side of that, was a move to Germany in the middle of Covid. With not much of a plan (don’t recommend). Two years have passed, and in and amongst missing loved ones at home, there has been highs and lows. A lot of visa-stress, assimilation difficulties, volunteering at a food kitchen, attending intensive German language school (5 x hours a day, 5 x days a week), walking my second Camino de Santiago, job hunting, job finding, returning to the corporate world and navigating the cultural differences of a Berlin tech company, a near-death health emergency and surgery for my partner, 2 failed attempts to permanently move to Berlin, the company closing its Berlin offices and becoming (gratefully) unemployed, celebrating my 40th birthday in the Bavarian Alps, traveling to Greece, France, Switzerland, back to Australia. It’s been so full.

This has established a trust that I can navigate whatever life throws at me.

And just as importantly, I have a willingness to throw myself at life.

The truth is, I feel very alive in my life.

I believe this to be a great thing. My life is not fancy, it’s quite simple, and it feels successful to me. This is new, and I have unending curiosity about what can come of life from this position, for me.

Can you look back at the breadcrumbs leading into big realisations in your life? What do you notice?

Happy journeying, dear ones.

Love, Alice x

Follow the light, even when you can’t see it.

Switzerland, June 2023.


Lessons from walking the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage.


Offloading. Over-Sharing.