Sometimes it’s hard to see the wood for the trees. Through the Continuum Process, we’ll find your path forward with compassion and gentle courage. Because when you take a moment to ask the bigger questions and look at what you really want, wonderful things start happening, and sometimes it starts with just a powerful perspective shift at just the right time.

Feeling alive in your life isn’t about bypassing or avoiding the hard stuff. It’s about having a strong sense of self-trust, knowing that you can navigate the hard times and be present during the good times.

It’s understanding that where you are is not where you’ll stay. The Continuum Process shows you this.


Setting goals, or seeing our next steps more clearly, is extremely powerful. Clarity regulates us and when we can make decisions from a regulated place, we are more likely to gently commit, as opposed to striving and forcing. Intrinsic motivation arrives. The best kind.

If you are experiencing any of the following, you could benefit from The Continuum Process:

  1. Overwhelm and overthinking causing stagnation and fear

  2. Difficulty considering, accepting and adapting to change

  3. Low self-trust and lack of confidence

  4. Challenges seeing progress in life

  5. Unclear needs and wants

Getting in front of these common challenges, will empower you.

This work is a VISUAL process that mirrors back to you the contents of your head and your heart in a compassionate way. It illuminates the sub-conscious and fast-tracks perception shifts.

My role is to guide you by helping to find words, patterns and organise it all into sense, and if you want, goals that are derived from intentions.

It is completely personalised.

Woman sitting at a desk in front of a bookshelf.

Do The Process

Alice is taking limited clients at this time.

Please email her though! Let’s start the conversation :)

Of my 20-year corporate career, 10 have been spent holding leadership positions. I’ve formally and informally mentored dozens of men and women to overcome fear, learn to believe in themselves, and make meaningful headway not just in their careers, but in their lives.

And now, over 30 men and women have completed The Continuum Process.

It is all so fulfilling.


Timing is everything with this work. When you’re ready, you’ll know.

Until then:


Time and time again I witness that special moment of clarity, when a person has an ‘ah-ha’ moment in The Continuum Process. Discovering these powerful insights alone can be challenging… but unlocking them together and figuring out what to do with them, helps you move forward in alignment. It gives you a sense of personal empowerment. The best feeling.

If you relate to any of these statements, this work might help you:

  • You want to make changes in your life (big or small), but don’t know where to start or you’re afraid.

  • You want to move towards a goal, feel more organised in your head or get your ducks in a row in general.

  • You feel overwhelmed or stressed, or coming out of a period of feeling this way.

  • Something is niggling at you, there’s a dot you can’t connect, but want to.

  • You’re exploring a greater purpose.

  • You’re pushing for change, but it’s not unfolding and you’re wondering why.

  • You’re hurting, and it’s now impacting multiple areas of your life.

  • You need a safe place to offload.

  • You’ve been thinking about getting some support but you’re not sure what you need.

WOW... everyone needs to do this.
— Ashlee Grunberg, Founder We Were Here Pilates

Take a beat. Pause.

Step back before stepping forward. You have time.

The Continuum Process will help you know what your next step is, and why you want/need to take it. This is underrated in today’s world of instant gratification, but it’s where your power lives.

You don’t have to white-knuckle it anymore. We will get you gently moving forward, and excited about it too.

Let’s get your ducks in a row.


The Continuum Process has a calming and organising effect - giving you perspective on all the elements of your life and revealing insights into the issues that matter at present.

Guiding you through this process I help you find the right words and uncover emotional clarity. This enables you to work out how you can move forward in your journey. Everyone’s different, but this may be around resolving an issue, making a change, learning to live with something, or where you want to be in your career, lifestyle and relationships.

The beginning of the Continuum Process is like a giant brain and heart dump. The act of writing down your difficult emotions and going through them together, will reduce your stress levels, regulate your emotions and help you make the right decisions for you.

It all just feels GOOD to do.

A bird takes flight over Lake Constance in Southern Germany.

Research shows the modern-day brain absorbs 5 times the amount than in 1985. This is only going to increase with time.

We have to maintain our bodies, yes. But we really have to help our minds too.

What Clients Say


How does the process happen?

Working with easy-to-use collaborative software over a Zoom session, we set about emptying your head and heart into words. We then organise our findings, prioritise what matters most to you right now, discover insights and finally, settle on intentional next steps. Each session runs for 90 minutes and it takes three sessions to complete the experience.

What about time zone differences?

I’m in Germany, and most of my clients are in Australia and the USA. For Australia, this generally means sessions run late afternoon / early evening your time. For my American clients, they are held in your morning. The Calendly link will automatically provide the timezone for where you live, and if there is nothing there, be sure to reach out so we can find something that works.

I’m not sure I’m ready to make changes?

Sometimes this is the perfect time to do The Continuum Process. Everyone operates in different ways, if you’re a more considered-mover, you’ll be well-prepped for when you are ready. For some, intrinsic motivation hits, action stations arrive and their desires and manifestations start arriving. There is no right or wrong, good or bad. If your mind is swirling with disparate thoughts, that’s usually the best indicator of if this work can help.

What do I get from this?

You will get a sense of clarity and relief. But I am a big fan of tangible elements too, which is why we work on a visual ‘board’ together - and you’ll receive a copy of the final board, as well as the insights, goals and any other personalised recommendations. I tell clients to store these somewhere, digitally or printed, and return to them every few months to remember who you are!

How often do I need to do this?

I recommend at least once a year, sometimes twice. This gives you the chance to see what is or isn’t progressing in your life, and together we gently dig around as to why - and there is usually always important context to understand this. I have clients returning after a few years too, when change is on the horizon or they need fresh perspective.