Understanding Life As A Journey: The Ultimate Reframe.

In January 2022, I embarked on a 150 Yoga Teacher Training that would see me learn and embody Himalayan mantra, meditation, kriya and pranayama from the Tantric lineage for 12 months. It’s a commitment in time, money and devotion. 6 months in, I know it’s one of the greatest investments I’ve made in myself. It is a true journey.

When we started, we had to introduce ourselves in the portal. I wrote about the last 5 years of my life, and how much change I have moved through. I wrote about the two Camino de Santiago pilgrimages I have made, and my move to Germany for love. We all spoke of the excitement and nerves we had, as we embarked on this 12 month immersive journey together.

One of the beautiful women made an observation from my post and the information I shared, that I seemed already primed for the journey ahead, as journeys sound like they are in my blood.

I thought, gosh, she is so right… I hadn’t seen things that way. Since then, it has been a beautiful domino effect as I realise just how deeply my connection to the philosophy of a journey runs. And better yet, how much more there is to learn about this philosophy.

But I resonate with it in connection with others, and conversation about stories of change and growth. Hearing what others have learnt through adversity is the ultimate portrayal of wisdom, and I love listening to others’ experiences of this.

For my own personal development, when I reframe new situations as a journey, a process, I can find patience, curiosity and compassion for myself.

For my clients, I love helping them see that they are experiencing a growth journey. And seeing their whole bodies relax with this realisation.

I see it in nature, and my desire to live in seasonal countries, as the changing-landscapes and moods nurture and soothe my soul. The moon, seasons, and nature are on endless, cyclical journeys. And I have the utmost respect for this.

In my spiritual practice, and my connection to my deepest self. We have been on a journey together, and there have been well-fought, hard-earned journeys that came before me.

My favourite books and movies are all about embarking on meaningful life changing experiences, and the stories that accompany them.

It’s why I have walked two Camino de Santiago pilgrimages. They meet me at a deep, soul level that is so profound I often can’t find words to describe the impact these 800km + walks have had on my life. They are the ultimate journey.

In workplaces, I am drawn to people who are willing to embark on a journey of improving, learning, collaborating. Or projects that require a meaningful process, with healthy connection and debate. I am often more excited by the journey we go on as a team, than the outcome it delivers. A well-fought journey is more fulfilling to me.

In my travels, I want to feel the history and understand the journey a country or a city has been on. It helps me connect with a place in deeper ways.

The interest in my ancestry and considering the journeys they made, fill me with faith, connection and awe.

I have overwhelming empathy for those that have been on journeys of inequality or indignity. They are the true heroes in this world, and have faced into suffering and survival in ways I cannot imagine. Their battles, their journeys will change the world, I know this in my heart.

More broadly, it’s how I see opportunities, and how I learn, and how I know which next step to take, and how I can trust in a process without seeing the end-point.

It’s a true philosophy for living for me, and I have only pieced this together in the last month. One of those self-realisation moments that unlocks everything. One that you feel forever changed by the embodied depth of understanding and knowing. And, that distinct feeling that you’ve found your purpose in life….

What does one do with such beautiful clarity and understanding?

For me, so far, it has involved 3 things:

  1. Sitting and ruminating with this whole concept, just to notice and observe just how much it permeated my consciousness. It was a lot. My confidence in this self-realisation began to grow and continues to. So I’m letting it settle and integrate, and playing with it in new ways.

  2. At the time of this realisation, I had a job interview scheduled. Talking about my accomplishments, confidently, is difficult for me. And so I wondered, what would happen if I spoke about my career, experience and perspectives from the concept of journeying? Because that IS something that I can talk to with passion, enthusiasm and clarity. Turns out, this company, the role, the leaders respected this understanding enormously, and it secured me a job.

  3. It has helped me repurpose and reposition The Continuum Process. I was suddenly able to leap into action to develop a visual representation of growth cycles, with symptoms, characteristics, support methods and how to nurture oneself through each stage. I tested this with current clients and they resonated strongly with the visual concept. I had a flood of action when it came to products and services I could offer at different stages of change and growth to help people. I believe in this offering so authentically and powerfully. I’m excited beyond belief to nurture it all to life, slowly, lovingly.

But more wonderfully than the above, is it has introduced a softness and patience into my life. The kind of patience that comes when you deeply trust your path. It’s such a glorious energy to sit with.

It’s the ultimate reframe. It reinforces the journey of life, with patience, appreciation and a grounding in the present moment. It is slowing my nervous system down and helping me view life through a more philosophical lens.

And yet again, the three truths that The Continuum Process is ground in, ring true:

  1. Meet yourself where you’re at with compassion and kindness.

  2. Where you’re at, is not where you’ll stay.

  3. There is beauty in your becoming.

Can you look back at pivotal moments in your life and see things as a journey? Are you IN a journey now, and struggling to see it? Could you give yourself some compassion and remind yourself that you are in process? That no one has this figured out, but you will find your way? I hope so. I wish this for you.

I can’t wait to share more about what I’ve been working on. How and when this will all unfold, I’m not sure. Change is afoot for me, and a new growth journey begins as I move cities and start a new job. It’s a change I suspect is bigger than even I can anticipate, that’s how it feels, and I’m here for it.

Much love always,

Alice x


Offloading. Over-Sharing.