Alice Bassett is a leading corporate brand strategy expert, with her last role as Head of Brand in Berlin, for NASDAQ-listed (LOV) global online dating company Spark Networks (Zoosk, EliteSingles, JDate). Alice led the brand repositioning strategy for the flagship brand Zoosk in 2022, and has led similar projects for brands like Yellow Pages Digital and the global wellbeing program AIA Vitality. She has worked with some of the biggest names in Australian sport, major household brands, and award-winning creative agencies around the world. At the age of 28, Alice held her first leadership position and went on to receive multiple awards for her leadership, but also finance management, and campaign and operational implementation for brand marketing teams. Leading and mentoring others in the workplace, and life, is a natural passion and where her focus now lies.

Alice is a woman who understands the power of a journey. She has conquered three Spanish pilgrimages including the Camino del Norte (850km from San Sebastian to Santiago in Spain) where she fell in love and found herself on a new journey at the age of 35. Soon after, she left her life in Australia for Germany to be with her partner and together they live in Stuttgart. She loves an endeavour, having completed Yoga Teacher Training for meditation, breathwork, and Himalayan Kriya practices, as well as running two half marathons — all of which have contributed to her healing journey of managing 20 years of diagnosed mental illness.

The anguish of Alice’s inner world turmoil, caused by self-inflicted pressure and expectation as a highly intellectual in the 94th percentile for IQ, led her to create a tool called The Continuum Process, which helps to organise the mind, address life’s desires and challenges, and get clear on the action steps for future achievement. Working with this tool regularly for over 13 years has helped Alice live her life fully, and she now offers the process to clients and receives overwhelmingly positive feedback.

Alice is inspired by change, and the transformative impact of a journey — her own and others — and by strategically and intentionally iterating the inner world, she has watched this process change the outer world. She is on a mission to nurture the seeds of self in everyone she meets, so they can feel empowered and encouraged as they move along the continuum of their own life. The ultimate vision she holds, is to set women up to change the world by turning inward to themselves first, for the answers they seek.


“In 2011 I was living alone in Melbourne and needed a way to explore and amalgamate the different parts of myself, and my life. I had so many questions, hurdles and challenges I was trying to overcome, yet also so many ambitions across my career, personal life, finances and health. I couldn’t find someone to help me identify the patterns, consider the successes and failures, and align my needs and wants in the one place, and so I did it for myself.

I started developing the Continuum Process with index cards and sharpies, often covering an entire dining table. Being able to visually review the pieces of the puzzle helped me make sense of what I wanted, what I feared and what I needed to tackle or accept next. Thanks to my amazing psychologist, I used the mantra, start small. And great things unfolded because of that. Soon enough, I started sharing my process with friends, and then with other people and to my delight, they got a lot out of it.

It brings me great pleasure to guide others towards enjoying the same sense of relief and clarity that it has brought me.”

- Alice x

A dining room table covered in index cards with handwriting on them.
A stack of white index cards wrapped together in rubber bands.
A selection of white index cards with achievements and goals written on them.

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