This is a place that empowers women using an innovative and heart-full mentoring process to boost confidence, embrace growth, navigate life's challenges and achieve emotional wellbeing with trust and belief.


What you desire, and how you want to BE in your life, is possible.

Even if it doesn’t seem that way.

Are you a capable, ambitious, and sensitive woman asking questions about your life and career? Perhaps you’re struggling, but you’re not sure why - life is pretty good after all. Maybe, like me, you’re managing your mental health diagnosis’ alongside a full life, and you’re feeling tired.

Could finding balance, creating structure and developing a stronger connection to yourself make a difference, but you don’t know where to start?

Do you want to lead yourself forward from a more aligned place? But does the thought of making small changes feel uncomfortable and overwhelming? And, are you noticing guilt, insecurity and fear even thinking about it?

I get it, I know all of this all too well.

It’s hard to know where to take these questions and ruminations. Partners, managers, friends, family, coaches and therapist, are all important options.

But what if there was a different step? A step to get context, clarity, courage and compassion, so you can lead yourself forward in alignment with confidence, trust and belief? A step that could end up saving you time and money, because you’re clear about what help you need?

I needed this, so I created it.

The Continuum Process is a unique, private mentoring solution.

We organise your head and your heart to get you on your way, one step at a time.

Hi there, and welcome to The Continuum Process

I’m Alice :)

I’m so glad you’re here. Please, come in, relax, take off your armour, and get comfortable.

Know that if want to get clear about who you are and what you want, feel confident and courageous to take action, and be supported the entire way, you’ve arrived at the right place.

Alto de Perdon on the Camino Frances, featuring a series of statues of pilgrims walking or on horseback.
Caucasian woman wears a Pink Jumper and leans against a rail in an aesthetic outdoor setting


I called this work The Continuum Process because it’s how I view life; a sliding scale that we get to iterate ourselves along.

I would do this exact process for myself once or twice a year, starting 13 years ago. After a while, I realised how much was coming to fruition, and just how much was changing within me and around my because of it. If I zoomed out, I could see that doing this process was shaping my life. And that my precious life, was a process to be enjoyed not feared, as had been my experience. I was iterating myself from my sub-conscious, and building authentic confidence from the inside out. As someone with mental health battles, this is profound.

This is now the mission I hold for my life; to nurture the seeds of self in every woman I meet, so they learn to turn inwards to themselves first and foremost and move forward - towards whatever they desire - from there.

You deserve this. We all do.


